Ayden is great and acting like nothing happened.
He's such a happy boy!
Sandy will be having labs next week to see if EIDD is working. I could really use help with the visit. If labs show improvement I will have to immediately order more meds so she doesn't miss any doses.
Donations are way down and I've been trying to not be obnoxious about asking for funds. The reality is that the rescue is almost broke. I've been using funds for not only the vet but also food, litter, and cleaning supplies like detergent and trash bags. That's what funds are raised for anyway but now I really need to start hardcore begging again.
Election years always do this to charity work. 🤮
If you can help please do!
Direct donations to SugarLand Pet Hospital, 281-491-5533, account 7212
No amount is too small!
Please share!
Thank you to everyone that have made donations of food and foods. This is the only way I can keep the rescue going.
I appreciate it more than I can say! 😻
The Wish Lists:
Be pawsome! Do pawsome! This is the way.
Adoption link:
Markus FIP Warrior Coffee mug, FIP Warrior Collection and 4 Warriors of the FIP Apocalypse! links:
Info: info@tuxieslegacy.org
Info: info@tuxieslegacy.org